ViewSoutheastern Local SD
Southeastern Local
School District
2003 Lancaster Rd.Chillicothe, Ohio 45601   |  (740) 774-2003
Website Evaluation
Searching and evaluating Internet websites can be challenging even for the
most proficient users. The resources that I am providing are intended to help
 teachers and students to successfully navigate the Internet and evaluate
websites in order to determine their validity. 
The C.R.A.P.P. Method


o How recent is the information?

o When was the website updated?

o Is it current enough for your topic?


o What kind of information is included in the resource?

o Is content of the resource primarily opinion? Is is biased?

o Does the creator provide references or sources for data or quotations?


o Who is the creator or author?

o What are the credentials?

o Who is the publisher or sponsor?

o Are they reputable?

o What is the publisher’s interest (if any) in this information?

o Are there advertisements on the website?


o Where does the information come from?

o Are the original sources of information listed?

o Can you verify any of the information in independent sources or from your
own knowledge?

o Has the information been reviewed or refereed?

o Does the language or tone seem biased?

o Are there spelling, grammar, or other typos?

*Purpose/Point of View

o Is this fact or opinion?

o Is it biased?

o Is the creator/author trying to sell you something?

Web Domains: Evaluating Information
Use the following URL endings to help determine the suitability of a website.

.gov: government sites

.edu: education sites

.com: commercial sites

.mil: military sites

.net: any person with an Internet service provider

.org: nonprofit organizations

.int: international organizations

.info: collections of information in one site to make researching easier

Important Handouts

View each of the websites listed below and evaluate each website using the Website Evaluation Checklist.  Download and print two copies of the checklist in order to complete this activity.
Southeastern Local School District
2003 Lancaster Rd.
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
(740) 774-2003
© 2024 Southeastern Local School District.
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